I take it you’re the new coach here to train me?
Ever since Ethan had been scouted he’d been slowly progressing through the ranks of our club. Still, there’s no doubt that he’s been distracted: his personal training sessions with Coach Patrick often ended with noticeable improvement in performance, but the longer he’s without a training session, the less focused he seems to become. The club members decided he needed some special training, so we decided to outsource and bring in a new coach that could spend more time with Ethan. Someone that can really get to the root of Ethan’s issues.
Coach Dan was a well-traveled gym teacher with years of experience all around the country, but he felt it was time for him to settle down. When he was offered a position as a private trainer for our club, and especially once he saw our roster out on the field, he didn’t have to think twice about it. One-by-one he scanned our boys, taking mental notes of their best and worst attributes.
His gaze was caught on a tall brunette boy with a slender build and a soft beautiful face. Coach Dan was mesmerized by how this small, lanky boy dominated the field. That boy’s dominance—Ethan’s—started to subside when Ethan noticed he was being watched. He avoided any sort of eye contact, and with it, his play faltered.