My best man is a femboy sissy
After months of waiting, it's finally the big day! Quin Quire will be marrying his bride-to-be, Kenna James, today. As he paces his dressing room and runs over his vows, it's clear that he's quite nervous about the day's events. No matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to relax. On the other hand, Kenna seems genuinely excited about what's to come. Quin puts on a brave face for her, but it's clear that inside, he's deeply troubled.
A little later, Quin's best man, Asher Day, approaches Quin when he's alone in his dressing room. Quin opens up to Asher about his fears and frustrations, venting about how ill-prepared he feels about his vows. The last thing he wants is to embarrass himself and Kenna during this very special moment. Asher puts a gentle hand on Quin's arm, squeezing it and telling Quin not to worry. He's got an idea that he's sure will help Quin feel ready to take on the day.
Asher leaves the room for a moment and then returns dressed up in a wig and a wedding dress. Quin is totally confused, but Asher explains that he'd like to offer Quin a rehearsal before the actual wedding. That way, Quin can work out all his kinks and feel well-oiled and primed for his big moment. Quin is thankful and agrees to go along with it, though is surprised when this rehearsal goes a bit farther than he initially anticipated. But when he feels his best man's lips on his, he just can't resist the temptation. Quin and Asher have passionate and discreet sex in the dressing room, hoping to God that Kenna doesn't walk in and catch them in the act.
Models: Quin Quire